Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Challenging First Post

Alright, where to begin? It seems I always have plenty to say and not enough to write. This is the first post of my exploratory blog as an ambitious twenty-something in the culinary mecca that is San Francisco. Culinary endeavors are by no means the limit of what this project will address but all the cultural, artistic, and musical chaos of this city too! Navigating a new life, new job, new city, and a revitalized passion for food provides me some of the funniest situations I have yet to experience. In saying that, a year of eating and drinking everyday in Italy set me up pretty well for what I thought was to come. However, you can never be fully prepared for anything, at least I can't... if you can, kudos.

A life slowly built within the very passionate, if not dramatic, restaurant industry is unbelievably giving. While the work is taxing, nerves are easily frazzled, and everyone is always rushing, the best part is the magic of hiding this while delivering exceptional service. Let us note that this is easily said than done, and when successful....  amazing.

Entering the business for the first time is daunting. Let me be specific, daunting in the technical manner. Who doesn't know this? Okay, a little honesty here, I didn't know this. I've always loved getting along with people and the best part is using one's own ability to wing it while letting others believe you know what you're doing! A lot can be learned, but many things cannot be taught. In my own experience it serves to find the time to sit, search, read, absorb and repeat. Teach yourself. Don't expect anyone to lay anything down for you, although if they do, don't take it for granted. Ever.

As an eternal optimist learning the ways of what is to be and not to be in the industry, my life philosophy is to take it all in stride, smile, and above all else, be YOU. Alright, sometimes my being me is a little too much for coworkers, but that's life. Be too much instead of too little... and wing it.


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